Monday, December 21, 2015

15 Marketing Twitters That Won’t Kill Your Feed (or Your Soul)

There’s a lot of great marketing content on Twitter, but sometimes it can all be a bit… much. Especially when people are only tweeting links to their own articles and other mindless marketing drivel that sounds like it was written by an algorithm.

It seems like such a ridiculous thing to be nostalgic for, but it’s refreshing to be scrolling through Twitter and find a tweet that actually reads like it was written by a human.

Breathe some life into your Twitter feed. Image by Rick Nunn via Flickr.

So here’s 15 Twitter accounts that won’t just bring some marketing insight to your feed – they’ll bring humor and a much-needed human touch, too.

1. Shane Snow (@shanesnow) – Co-Founder, Contently

Contently has been changing the content marketing game ever since they appeared on the scene, treating it with a seriousness typically reserved for journalism not centered around selling products. A lot of that can likely be attributed to co-founder Shane Snow’s’s background in journalism; he’s written about technology for WIRED, Fast Company and others.

2. Rand Fishkin (@randfish) – Founder, Moz

While Rand is best known for being the genius behind the definitive SEO resource, Moz, he’s also a master marketer that frequently surfaces great content on all things digital – along with sharp insights on politics, feminism and world issues.

3. Max Temkin (@maxtemkin) – Co-Creator, Cards Against Humanity

A graphic designer by trade who broke into the world of game design with the modest launch of a card game on Kickstarter: Cards Against Humanity, now the best-selling game on Amazon. Max tweets a lot of jokes, but also genuine insights on design (like this piece on rapid prototyping) and the case studies of their various, bizarre Black Friday campaigns.

4. Kristen Craft (@thecrafty) – Director of Business Development, Wistia

Video marketing isn’t just about creating great content; it’s about nurturing the community around that content. Fittingly, as director of business development at the world’s foremost video marketing platform, Kristen shares tons of great tweets around the importance of community in B2B marketing.

5. Drunk PPC Girl (@drunkppcgirl) – Drunk PPC Girl, Drunk PPC Girl

Drunk PPC girl. ‘Nuff said.

6. Larry Kim (@larrykim) – Founder, WordStream

More than just a master of pay-per-click marketing, Larry Kim tweets the best of everything digital marketing, often tweeting upwards of fifty times a day. But unlike plenty of other Twitter accounts, it never comes across as spammy. Plus, Larry frequently adds his own commentary to what he links, typically laden with emoji. 
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