Friday, March 25, 2016

The Importance of an Open Marketing Ecosystem in Building a MarTech Stack

Choosing marketing technology tools are no different than choosing tools for any other job. You need the right tools to get the job done. But with marketing technology, there's an additional layer to consider. The ecosystem. Not all technology tools work together.

Imagine buying a hammer and only being able to use certain nails. That sounds like odd concept, but unless you select tools that work in an open ecosystem, you will find yourself with just that sort of choice.

"The current MarTech ecosystem allows companies to create the optimal technology stack for their needs, finding the best-of-breed solutions that complement their overall marketing plan," says Gautham Pandiyan, Director of Strategic Alliances, Windsor Circle. "With an open ecosystem, marketers are able to connect to new technologies that complement their current technology stack and drive great business outcomes."

Modern Marketers want to be successful in their jobs. That means choosing the best technology. Remember that last trade show you went to and you found a booth with just the right solution for your needs? And they had pretty good swag too. Well, you got all excited about the prospect of using their solution to better understand your prospects. It would let you reach your prospects with better targeted content. The vendor, however, was a little vague about how it worked with your marketing automation tool. They just didn't know.

If you had something that was part of an open ecosystem, that would not have been a problem. You could get excited about that new tool and know that it would work with your existing marketing technology stack.

Watch the following video to see how Modern Mark explains the idea of an open ecosystem.



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Looking to expand your marketing tech stack? Open ecosystem is just one many of the considerations you will learn about in our Guide to Building Your Marketing Technology Stack

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