Saturday, February 28, 2015

Weekend Favs February Twenty Eight

Weekend Favs February Twenty Eight written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr or oneContinue Reading

The Benefits of Solar Energy

The use of solar energy or energy from sunlight has many advantages. Let’s take a closer look at each of them. • Solar energy saves money. In 2006, we saw the highest jump in residential electricity rates. In some regions, increased to 60% was observed. Many experts agree that the trend will continue in the ...

Friday, February 27, 2015

How Customer Expectations Can Affect Your Conversion Rate

Richard Lee McNair was a convicted murderer. He’d just broken out of federal prison and was on the run. Police were everywhere, and he needed to get out of sight fast. He ran for a few hours, until he was stopped by Officer Carl Bordelon. For most prisoners, this is where the story would end, […]

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Killer Explainer Video

Have you ever thought about putting an explainer video on your site? It could be an easy way to convert more visitors into customers. When we added one to Crazy Egg, it helped us make an additional $21,000 in monthly income. So, how do you create an explainer video that will increase your conversion rate?  [click to continue...]

How to Make Your Brand Matter

How to Make Your Brand Matter written by Guest Post read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Today’s Guest Post is by Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Georgie Gallagher, Enjoy! Every business has a brand – even if it thinks it doesn’t. Your local coffee shop has a brand. Your local accountant has a brand. Your local vet has a brand. And your business has a brand. I can see you rolling yourContinue Reading

Online Marketing News: Facebook’s Ad Grade, Google Testing Label For Slow Sites, YouTube Tightens Up

New Research Shows 95% Use Customer Reviews - PowerReviews set out to look deeper at how ratings and reviews are impacting decision making. They surveyed 800 Americans to find out what they thought about ratings and reviews. Check out the interesting stats they found in the infographic above. Socialnomics Pinterest Was the Fastest-Growing Social Network in 2014 [...]

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Determine When A Lead Is Sales-Ready

How to Determine When A Lead Is Sales-Ready written by Guest Post read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Today’s Guest Post is by Ellen Gomes – Enjoy!  Relay runners know that the exchanges make or break a race. The same is true for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re an enterprise industry with huge marketing and sales teams or a small business owner piecing everything together yourself, figuring out when a lead isContinue Reading

B2B Content Marketing and Optimizing the Full Cycle of Buyer Experience

The biggest mistake B2B marketers make with content: It’s all about us (the brand). One of the most common and significant mistakes B2B marketers make with content is to create information and media that don’t solve a customer information problem. That along with presentation in a way that’s out of context and unoptimized for customer experience results [...]

What 9 Conversion Experts Learned the Hard Way (So You Don’t Have To)

There's a lot of baggage that comes with becoming a CRO expert – namely, making big mistakes and falling flat on your face. We asked nine conversion experts about their biggest conversion mistakes and the valuable lessons they learned.

Email Lists: How sweepstakes work for CNET [Live from #SherpaEmail]

We're reporting live this week from MarketingSherpa Email Summit in Las Vegas, sharing with you all the strategies and tactics you'll need to excel in email in 2015 (and beyond). Read on to hear about Diana Primeau, Director of Member Services, CNET, and how she effectively uses sweepstakes to build her lists for the brand. The key is to not simply rely on a contest to gain a list boost; marketers must provide an enriching and relevant experience to keep new users engaged for the long term.

Solar Energy Systems for Pools

If you have a pool, you know how much warming can mount your electricity bill. Solar systems for swimming pools offer an alternative method that does not devastate your bank account. Solar energy systems for swimming pools When most people think of solar energy systems, they think of large crystalline structures that are intended to ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

All New Sophisticated B2B Marketing Guide for LinkedIn

It wasn’t that long ago that most business marketers thought of LinkedIn purely as a place for online resumes and prospecting future hires. Today, with nearly 350 million members world-wide, LinkedIn has become a formidable marketing and sales resource for B2B marketers across the web. In fact, LinkedIn is evolving as a full marketing funnel solution [...]

Six Advantages of Hyperbolic Discounting…And What The Heck Is It Anyway?

I was tossing around concepts for an article, when I decided to settle on the issue of hyperbolic discounting. True to my collaborative self, I shared the title with an industry professional, and here’s what he emailed back: WTF is HyerpWTF&$*R.. Love it. So, these are the reasons I chose the subject of hyperbolic discounting: […]

How to Create a Deep Connection with Your Readers

Why do you keep coming back to Quick Sprout? Maybe it’s because you are learning a lot from me, or maybe it’s because I’ve helped you grow your business. Although those are contributing factors, they aren’t the main reason you come back. So, what makes you keep coming back? Over the years, I’ve built a  [click to continue...]

What Does the New Sales Leader Look Like?

What Does the New Sales Leader Look Like? written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Podcast with Mark Roberge The current sales leader for inbound marketing giant Hubspot was a self-proclaimed geek at MIT with no sales experience who found that by using data he could grow the organization. Does this suggest that the quota carrying experience of the current sales leader is no longer a valid marker ofContinue Reading

[PODCAST] The Psychology of Landing Page Design

You can't create awesome landing pages without first understanding how the human mind works. In this episode of Call to Action, we talk to Neil Patel about the psychology of anticipation and how you can leverage it to increase your conversions.

New 2015 Marketing Budget Benchmarks

Is understanding how to target your customer effectively keeping you awake at night?

The Econsultancy Marketing Budgets Report 2015, created in association with Oracle Marketing Cloud, delves into marketers’ expected spend for the coming year.

Because a customer’s decision to buy now involves many interactions with a brand, delivering an orchestrated approach is essential for any brand to attract and retain customers. It’s clear that our industry is aware of this; this year’s report indicates that nearly three quarters (74%) of the companies surveyed believe they are working towards delivering unified customer experiences, rather than standalone campaigns or interactions.

In addition, 71% of the companies surveyed say that they are focusing on ‘breaking down internal silos to better co-ordinate and integrate [their] marketing efforts’. Marketers are unifying marketing strategy, as well as unifying the marketing teams delivering those campaigns.

The findings also indicate that marketers are more likely to be increasing overall budgets for the year ahead than at any time since the launch of our first Marketing Budgets Report in 2010, during the height of the economic crisis. Winning areas include marketing technologies and digital marketing, as a result of stronger boardroom support.

Bigger budgets are well deserved as marketers step up to some tough challenges this year. It spells an exciting 12 months, as marketers seek to take coherent cross-channel customer experiences to the next level.

Benchmark your budget priorities: Check out the full report, and this research snapshot infographic. We hope it provides useful insight into the health of your marketing business.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Do You Really Need More Facebook Likes? The Data Driven Answer

More Facebook likes! This is the driving passion of some social media marketers. They desire it. They dream about it. They crave it. They somehow think that more Facebook likes is the panacea for all of the world’s ills. But is it that important? Apart from my obvious hyperbole, are more Facebook likes truly going […]

Learn From Annoying Mistakes Marketers Make

From repeating email promotions to not making content accessible across all your channels, avoid these common marketing mistakes which can alienate prospects.

We know the modern consumer is demanding and who can blame them? In a world packed with marketing missives and competing products/services, they want to make sure that they get the right product at the right price, all sold with the right service.

It’s why a joined-up cross-channel marketing approach is so vital – but simple marketing mistakes are leaving many customers so irritated that they head elsewhere with their money.

Customer complaint: “Stop haranguing me with irrelevant marketing…”

The Issue: The customer receives an email promoting a product they’ve already bought.

The Solution: Ensure your marketing automation process is properly segmented and maintained, plus the customer’s journey and their identity is fully mapped out within your system. The best approach for ensuring such successful ‘data wrangling’? First, break down silos between your departments so promotions and the resulting data are being fed into a centralised system that everyone and their campaigns can feed into and from.

Secondly, ensure you have an in-house automation specialist whose sole job is to manage and monitor any marketing automation programme to ensure your marketing department isn’t left with egg on its face.

A vast majority (94%) of customers have discontinued communications with a company because they receive irrelevant promotions and messages.

Customer complaint: “Stop making it so damn difficult for me…”

The Issue: The potential customer watches a TV advert or other promotion but can’t find it online to view again.

The Solution: It’s the ultimate goal of any marketer – the customer being so intrigued by your marketing offering that they actively head out to watch it again, perhaps even sharing it with their peers and becoming a brand advocate in the process. Ensure that your fantastic advert is available and easy to find so you can reap the potential benefits.

BMW goes further than many of its competitors to ensure that consumers can explore its TV content. The car maker has its own online TV channel and distributes its commercials on Youtube, creating a truly joined-up strategy for deploying video content. It’s an approach that’s working – according to official Youtube Channel Views data:

Toyota Channel: 207,696 views

Ford Channel: 725,904 views

Audi Channel: 2,303,638 views

BMW Channel: 4,666,412 views

Customer complaint: “Stop fobbing me off…”

The Issue: The customer is forced to listen to a message on a call-centre helpline telling them about the company’s website before they’re put through to an actual human. Worst still, some companies simply direct the consumer to their website, negating the whole ‘human’ issue entirely.

The Solution: There’s a very good chance that the customer has already visited the support section of your website and hasn’t found the answer they were looking for – it’s why they’re calling you in the first place. Alternatively, there are some customers who simply don’t want to go online and would instead prefer to talk to a representative about their issue. In either case, why bother marketing your website via your helpline?

Customer complaint: “Stop wasting my time…”

The Issue: The customer has to sign in again and again to download content, wasting their time and diminishing any goodwill that might have been created by your value-added content marketing strategy.

The Solution: Deploy progressive profiling to avoid annoying customers. Only ask leads for critical information during their first visit (first name, last name, email) and if they show interest, then use progressive profiling to ask more in-depth questions at key stages during the customer’s journey – without running the risk of irritating the prospect.

New tools like make it easier for consumers to filter spam emails and unsubscribe from newsletters – so make sure each marketing missive hits its target or risk being locked out for good.


  • Ensure your marketing automation process is properly segmented and maintained.
  • Break down silos between departments to avoid bottlenecks or dead ends.
  • Make all your marketing content easily accessible to consumers whatever channel they’re on.
  • Don’t waste the consumer’s time; your product/service is supposed to make their life easier, not create more hassle.

Discover why marketing is becoming increasingly challenging with tips from the “Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Cross-Channel Marketing”.

21 Blogs I Turn To When I Need to Learn How To Do Stuff

21 Blogs I Turn To When I Need to Learn How To Do Stuff written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

No shock in this statement – I’m a big fan of blogs and blogging as a core marketing, content and SEO practice. I subscribe to many blogs, read blogs daily and generally find that when I search for things blog posts offer the most useful solutions. I read many different types of blogs – someContinue Reading

Announcing the 2015 Call to Action Conference

Last year, we held our inaugural Call to Action Conference. It was pretty epic, but this year it's going to be twice as epic. Twice the days, twice the speakers and twice the knowledge bombs. Here's a sneak peek at what we have in store.

How to Make a Marketing Impact with Instagram

From James: Today’s post is the fourth and final in a series of articles on social media marketing – all part of a contest within TopRank Marketing for a chance to attend Social Media Marketing World. Watch for live posts from the winner of the contest March 25 -28. Boom! Making an impact and making it quickly is a primary [...]

Announcing The 2015 Call to Action Conference

Last year, we held our inaugural Call to Action Conference. It was pretty epic, but this year it's going to be twice as epic. Twice the days, twice the speakers and twice the knowledge bombs. Here's a sneak peek at what we have in store.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Live from Email Summit: Two tactics to reduce perceived cost in your email capture forms

In this live blog post from the MarketingSherpa Email Summit held at the ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, learn about reducing perceived cost when capturing email addresses via a registration form. Read about and see the results of three different tests on registration forms, including reducing the number of fields, reducing the required fields and changing the location of the form on the website.

5 Tips to Make Sure You Are Validating Early and Often

Whether you are a couple of coders in a garage or a small team in a large enterprise, validating your assumptions early and often can reduce the likelihood of failure, or at least get you to a pivot point sooner. The more chances you take, the more likely you are to hit a homerun. And, […]

Why Your Team Needs a Lead Scoring Model

What constitutes a worthwhile lead? Ask 10 different people from your sales and marketing teams and you may get 10 different answers. For some, a person who downloads a piece of your company’s content or attends its events counts as a credible lead. For others, a lead is only worth pursuing once there is a foreseeable sales opportunity in the next six months. While there is an inherent subjectivity involved in qualifying a lead, however, consensus on what makes a strong lead is an absolute must for companies that want to maximise their sales revenue.

The discrepancy in how leads are defined across the business is a major reason behind the great divide that often separates marketing and sales. Marketers are passing more leads than ever over to sales teams, many of which may not worth pursuing by the latter’s standards, and as a result a bottleneck is forming that is keeping companies from going after their hottest leads in-time to make a sale. It is for this reason that lead scoring models are gaining popularity among marketers and sales teams alike.

A lead scoring model offers both teams a common language to use when defining leads. It makes it easy for them to agree on what qualifies a lead as strong, on which department is responsible for next steps throughout the handoff, and on what time frame they have to work with.

Lead scoring also helps sales teams close deals faster. It’s commonly said that ‘time kills all deals’ – I agree. The longer a lead sits inactive, the colder it gets. By that token, if your company considers every marketing response to be a worthwhile lead it becomes very difficult for sales to quickly spot which leads are hot and which are just individuals in the early stages of the sales cycle. Lead scoring allows businesses to standardise and speed-up this process, which means sales teams will always have the hottest leads in their hands.

How does lead scoring work? There are two steps involved in scoring a lead. The first thing to determine is whether or not a lead fits your ideal customer profile (Do they have the right job title? Do they work in the right industry?). The next step is to collect the prospect’s behavioural information, which you can gather from his or her digital body language.

Digital body language is essentially the online equivalent of the facial expressions revealed around a negotiating table and provides marketers with a deeper dive into customers’ tendencies and a better indication of whether they are ready to buy. It is gathered from the interactions prospects have when visiting your web site, downloading your content, reading your emails, and so on. With this insight into a lead’s personality and behaviour, marketers can ensure only the strongest leads get passed onto sales.

Modern marketing technologies allow businesses to assess peoples’ digital body language on a large scale rapidly, and to analyse leads in light of modern business intelligence considerations so they can hone in on those with the highest chance of success. For sales teams, a noted reduction in the number of cold leads they receive means they can focus their efforts on genuinely engaged customers and on increasing revenue for the business.

As an indication of how lead scoring strengthens the relationship between marketing and sales and improves the sales pipeline, consider how the technology has impacted global security software firm, McAfee. The company’s marketing team had become so effective at generating responses to multi-channel marketing activity that its sales funnel was overflowing and the sales team was overworked trying to sort out which leads were worth pursuing. McAfee realised they needed a way to automatically evaluate responses, both in terms of profile fit and engagement, so that only the best leads were passed on to sales. After implementing a lead scoring programme the company saw a 35% decrease in the number of qualified leads sent to sales. Tellingly, this led to a four-fold improvement in its lead-to-opportunity conversation rate. With fewer qualified leads passing through to sales McAfee was able to focus on those they were most likely to close.

Naturally, when introducing a modern lead scoring model marketers won’t necessarily get things right instantly. The process usually involves continuous testing and refinement with the sales team. At my seminar at Technology For Marketing & Advertising (TFM&A) in London this week, I’ll be diving deeper into lead scoring and outlining a few things to consider before getting started, including:

  • Getting buy-in from sales and other key stakeholders. Without people on-board to improve the way leads are converted change won’t come easily.
  • Making sure marketing and sales teams agree on what characteristics define different lead-classes and on how each of these types of opportunities will be handled. Otherwise, the handoff process will bottleneck and you won’t actually see the speed and efficiency benefits of automated lead scoring.
  • Using software that can capture information on leads, facilitate the handoff to sales, and process feedback. While employees will shape and manage the lead scoring process, you need the technology to make that all possible.

Once you do get it right, lead scoring can help build a strong relationship between marketing and sales. The technology and expertise required are out there – the time has come to put them to work.

Join Sylvia and a roster of modern marketing experts at TFM&A in London for her session "All Marketing Leads are Not Created Equal: Why Your Business Needs to Understand Lead Scoring," 12 p.m. on Thurs. 26th February.

How to Create the Perfect Customer Journey

How to Create the Perfect Customer Journey written by Sara Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

The Marketing Hourglass is a powerful tool to map out your marketing efforts in a way that makes sense to everyone in your organization. Most marketers view the customer experience as a funnel, but we at Duct Tape Marketing know that the customer experience ideally goes beyond the point of sale. Mapping it out in this wayContinue Reading

How I Increased My Search Traffic by 47% from Translating My Blog into 82 Languages

When you write your blog posts, what language do you write them in? Chances are that you write them in English. What if I told you that you would get more traffic if you wrote your blog posts in Mandarin and Spanish as they are the two most popular languages in the world? I thought it would  [click to continue...]

Using Emerging Social Networks to Increase B2B Productivity

From James: Today’s post is the third in a series of four articles on social media marketing – all part of a contest within TopRank Marketing for a chance to attend Social Media Marketing World. Watch for the next post in the series on how to create impact with Instagram. While many businesses ban social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, [...]

Don’t Give Up On Facebook Advertising Before Trying These 4 Things

If you’ve tried Facebook ads and are still frowning upon the results, it’s time to kiss Facebook and make up. Don't let it be “the one that got away” – here are four tricks for maximizing ROI.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


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Saturday, February 21, 2015



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Solar Energy Risks To Health

Solar energy is a potential free electricity and water heating source. It has the power to take advantage of electricity in remote areas of the world. It seems to offer health and safety with power, but is it? Rarely health risks of solar energy are mentioned. This may be partly due to the limited use ...

How to Get Your First $1 Million in Sales

Tyler Bosmeny is the co-founder and CEO of Clever, which is a fast growing company in the education space. He recently gave a talk at Sam Altman’s How to Start a Startup class at Stanford University describing how startups can get their first $1 million in sales. In the talk, he outlined the four steps […]

Weekend Favs February Twenty One

Weekend Favs February Twenty One written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr or oneContinue Reading

Friday, February 20, 2015

Popup Showdown: 7 of the Best Popup Scripts and Plugins for Every Project

Back in the early days of the web, it was a scramble to find which business model would fly. Gone were the days of awkward sock puppets in Super Bowl ads or dancing hamsters taking center stage. The freshness and newness of the Internet was both exciting and worrisome. In those early days, was […]

The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

You see them everywhere around the web… From Twitter to Instagram, hashtags are an essential part of social media. So, why should you care about hashtags? Well, hashtags are a great way to increase your overall social media traffic. For example, tweets with hashtags generate two times more engagement than tweets without them. In order  [click to continue...]

Grow your Personal Brand to Benefit your Business

Grow your Personal Brand to Benefit your Business written by Guest Post read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

It’s guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing – Enjoy this post from Chris Bibey. Growing your personal brand is easier said than done, however, this can go a long way in benefiting your business. What can you do to set your small business apart from the competition? If you are just another “eggContinue Reading

Solar Energy Tips Everyone Needs To Know

Solar energy can seem quite complicated if you are not familiar with the technology and products used. You just need the right information so you can take the opportunity by the horns. Read this article to learn of the many benefits that solar energy can provide homes and businesses. You need to understand how you ...

Online Marketing News: LinkedIn Launches Lead Accelerator, 5 Apps Make Up Most Mobile, Twitter Gets Syndicated

LinkedIn Launches Lead Accelerator, Expands Marketing Solutions Portfolio - Talk to any B2B marketer and you’ll know – the purchase process can be very long and complex. As a marketer and business leader with years of experience in this space, I know that effectively reaching, nurturing and converting prospects has only become harder. That’s why I’m [...]

Will Facebook’s New Ad Features Help Social Marketers Increase Conversions?

Will Facebook's Relevance Score and Product Ads features be a boon for performance marketers? Learn about the new updates and how they'll impact conversions.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Why SEO Is Actually All About Content Marketing

There’s a bit of confusion over SEO and content marketing. The confusion comes over how SEO and content marketing fit together. Do they fit together? Are they at odds with each other? If so, is it possible to force them together? In a previous post, I explained why SEO and content marketing are like PB&J. […]

Building an Exceptional Brand Begins with a Purpose

Building an Exceptional Brand Begins with a Purpose written by Alex Boyer read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Today’s guest post comes from Alan Twelkemeier – Enjoy! If you watched SuperBowl 2015 you might have noticed a shift. Not in the momentum of the game, or in one of Katy Perry’s wardrobe changes. The shift was in the marketing. There were more brands talking less about product and more about family, people and socialContinue Reading

The Most Important Thing Missing From Your B2B Content: Forrester’s @LauraRamos Tells All #C2C15

A lot of presentations at this week’s Content2Conversion Conference touched on theories and tactics related to creating customer focused narratives in B2B content. While some marketers might think of incorporating storytelling in their B2B content marketing as a gamble, Laura Ramos of Forrester Research says it’s time to make that gamble. According to Laura, it’s time to double [...]

Landing Page Optimization: How a navigation test increased leads 34%

Site navigation is vital to user experience. Read on to learn more about how a tourism commission seeking to enhance visitor interaction with their website content tested their way into a 34% lift in leads.

A Classic Formula for Gut Checking Your Landing Page Headlines

If you read any marketing blogs, you know that landing pages live or die by the copy – but how can you write headlines that reliably convert? No copywriting arsenal is complete without this classic, easy-to-follow formula.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Solar Energy Tips You Can Start Trying Today

Are you familiar with solar energy? Is there anything else you want to know about solar energy? If this is the case, you should learn everything you can and have a good plan for moving forward. Read on to discover how to take advantage of solar energy market. The number of solar panels to purchase, ...

Survey Questions That Work: How to Unlock Your Customers’ Deepest Desires

How well do you know your customers and their needs? And, how well do you meet those needs? Do you just create a product and send it out? Or, do you take the trouble to analyze who your customers are, what they need, and how to best meet their needs? If you’re cool with just […]

Live from #C2C15 – How Optum Transformed Their B2B Marketing to a Content-Led Strategy

It’s a big task to move an 80,000 employee organization on to a completely different mode of marketing thought. But that’s what Karen Thomas-Smith and her team at Optum has done, and they did it in the sometimes slow-to-adapt industry of healthcare. Karen moved Optum — a B2B healthcare software and services organization — from traditional marketing [...]

10 Most Costly Marketing Blunders I’ve Ever Made

When you think of my name, Neil Patel, what comes to mind? You probably see me as a marketing guru or as an expert who is good at driving traffic to websites. Although that’s true these days, I’ve made a lot of marketing blunders over the years. Luckily, most of these blunders affected my own  [click to continue...]

You Will Never See Us Coming

I was talking with the ever smart Jeff Brown who does the Read to Lead Podcast (one of my favorites), and we were talking about how podcasting is just booming. Jeff runs a Podcaster Academy. I co-founded PodCamp, etc. It’s a big topic these days. Jeff said that once at his former job in radio, […]

The post You Will Never See Us Coming appeared first on

How Big Things Are Getting Done Today

How Big Things Are Getting Done Today written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Podcast with Erica Dhawan There was a time when people toiled away in remote suburban garages hammering out their big idea. Many of the world’s greatest companies and innovations happened this way, but today there’s a decidedly different option available known as connectional intelligence. Connectional intelligence, or the capability to consistently deliver breakthrough innovation and resultsContinue Reading

Email Deliverability Class is in Session

If you are involved in Email Marketing at just about any level, you know that Deliverability is important. The problem is that while everybody basically knows what Deliverability is, and that it is important, they don’t know a lot of the details. This year at Modern Marketing Experience, the Oracle Marketing Cloud Deliverability Operations Team will be running two different Deliverability classes.

What is Deliverability really? We know that it is a question all marketers ask about on an RFP. Deliverability is something we talk about when revenue is down, or our open rates don’t seem to be high enough. The reality is so much more than that. We Deliverability folks might be just a little bit biased, but we think Deliverability is only the most important part of Email Marketing. If you don’t have good Deliverability, email campaigns won’t reach your customers. If your email doesn’t reach your customers, you can’t convert any sales. If you don’t convert sales, you don’t have a job. Sounds like a good reason to register for some no-nonsense Deliverability education.

In all seriousness, many people think that Deliverability is some mystical thing that only gurus know about. That opinion couldn’t be further from the truth. Today’s deliverability world is one of structure and reason. A solidly built infrastructure coupled with an evolving marketing plan generally equals Deliverability success. If your customers enjoy receiving and interacting with your email messages, it’s a pretty safe bet that Deliverability will be high.

To this end, we will be offering two different classes, “Demystifying Deliverability” and “Deliverability 101.” “Demystifying Deliverability” will be offered two different times on March 31st, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. This class is a high-level overview of what you should know about the state of Deliverability today. This class is geared toward people whose primary responsibility is not Deliverability, but they will certainly be impacted by the outcome. If you are a manager, a director, a VP, analytics person, or anyone else in the marketing or IT departments who has an email responsibility, this class makes sense. We will discuss four major topics: Acquisition, Engagement, Metrics, and International Deliverability. By the end, you will understand the importance of having great Deliverability metrics, and a smart acquisition program.

The second class we will be offering on March 31st is our “Deliverability 101” class. This three-hour session is a deep-dive into the world of Deliverability, designed for those of you on the front lines of email campaign creation, delivery, and analysis. Topics covered will include Bounces, Complaints, Spam Traps, Blacklists, ISP Profiles, Whitelisting, FBLs, Engagement, and Analytics. We’ll go into much more detail about the best way to set up your infrastructure, deploy campaigns, handle bounces and complaints, and analyze the results. We will delve deeper into real-world Deliverability scenarios and answer questions about your own experiences. After completing this class, you should expect to have a much deeper understanding about the day-to-day Deliverability process.

We can’t wait to meet you this year at Modern Marketing Experience! Visit the event page for more agenda details, and to register! You also can keep up with the discussion by following the event hashtag on Twitter #MME15. See you in Vegas!

Live from #C2C15 – How Optum Transformed Their B2B Marketing to a Content-Lead Strategy

It’s a big task to move an 80,000 employee organization on to a completely different mode of marketing thought. But that’s what Karen Thomas-Smith and her team at Optum has done, and they did it in the sometimes slow-to-adapt industry of healthcare. Karen moved Optum — a B2B healthcare software and services organization — from traditional marketing [...]

[PODCAST] How Reading Your Prospect’s Mind Will Make You Better at AdWords

If you want to run AdWords campaigns that convert, you need to know what's on your prospect's mind. I’m not talking about some crystal ball shit. In the latest episode of Call to Action, Tiffany da Silva explained that no supernatural powers are required.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why Growth Hacking is a Team Sport

Reporting is part of every marketer’s job and—according to the experts—is an integral step in creating and maintaining a culture of growth. Yet most marketers don’t have a formal process or spend any significant amount of time compiling and sharing results with their teams. The findings of a recent study on point to the […]

Our Liveblogging Schedule for B2B C2C Content2Conversion Conference 2015 #C2C15

Today through Thursday of this week, you’ll see posts on TopRank Blog from the B2B Content to Conversion Conference in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. I’ll be live-blogging a few sessions from the conference, including our CEO Lee Odden’s talk “How to Create a Competitive Advantage by Crowdsourcing Marketing Content with Influencers.” Lee is speaking at 9:45 [...]

The New Sales Playbook

The New Sales Playbook written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Recently, I was asked to present my ideas on how salespeople can best compete in today’s sales environment. A great deal about selling has changed over the last few years, but mostly what’s changed is the way people buy and that’s what you have to understand in order to thrive in the world of sellingContinue Reading

Stay tuned for posts from #C2C15

Today through Thursday of this week, you’ll see posts on TopRank Blog from the B2B Content to Conversion Conference in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona.  I’ll be live-blogging a few sessions from the conference, including our CEO Lee Odden’s talk “How to Create a Competitive Advantage by Crowdsourcing Marketing Content with Influencers.” Lee is speaking at 9:45 [...]

4 Simple Steps to Smarter (and More Profitable) Display Ads

Display advertising isn't dead – it's alive to the global tune of $3.5 billion. But in a world where people are more likely to birth twins than click on a banner ad, you've got to have a smart advertising strategy to get your ads noticed.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snake Removal Bergen County Nj Call 973-388-9126 Animal Removal NJ Great Video Below..

Snake Removal Bergen County Nj Call 973-388-9126 Animal Removal NJ Great Video Below..
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Wild life in NJ and even NY could be very dangerous. Our certified technicians are trained and qualified to handle various situations. Animal & Pest Control is what we specialize in..

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Convert Your Marketing Mindset With A/B Testing

“Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.”
Marshall McLuhan

So many times in the haste of developing our marketing strategy and materials, we use the ol’ seasoned judgment of ‘I think’:

“I think this is the best creative” – it follows brand standards.

“I think this is the best day of the week to mail or post” – the latest industry best practices say this is the best day.

“I think this call to action will be the most responsive” – our rates have been pretty good so far.

Despite knowing that we really shouldn’t make assumptions when it comes to truly knowing our customers, sometimes assumptions still make their way into our marketing plans. After all, we’ve already spent the time building out our customers’ personas and have segmented our data but do we really know how our audiences will respond?

So how do we get from, ‘I think’ to ‘I know’? A great place to start, no matter what level of marketer you are, is to run a relatively easy A/B test. Why is this necessary? Well, our customers’ preferences are changing all the time. Testing allows us to stay on top of these changes and adapt our marketing strategies to ensure our efforts are relevant. Variations in campaign elements can increase engagement and conversion.

Here are the three core testing categories to consider that will have a significant impact on response:

1. Creative: style of graphics, layout, copy length

2. Content: subject line, call to action, promotional or editorial copy

3. Timing and frequency: send time, send day, send or share frequency

Okay, but are marketers really still running A/B tests?

According to a Marketing Sherpa study regarding Website Optimization:

Over half of all marketers use some form of testing but up to 75% of the more mature strategic marketers use A/B testing routinely as part of a formal marketing strategy to learn about customer behavior.

Pretty impressive, right?

So, let's get started! Follow the six steps below to help you develop a successful A/B testing strategy. Remember, we should consider testing a continuous process, so when one test is completed, another is started. And this all begins with thoughtful planning.

Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.”
David Ogilvy

Steps to Developing an A/B Testing Strategy:

  1. Develop a Plan - this will be pivotal in garnering the best results!

· Ask yourself:

  • What are my company’s top business goals?
  • What are the measurable results we want to achieve?
  • Which of the three categories will I start testing (creative, content, timing and frequency)?
    Remember to only test one element at a time.

2) Execute the Plan by Building a Testing Team

  • Find an executive sponsor. This shouldn’t be too challenging since most executives love to have metrics to validate programs.
  • Assign people to support each step in the testing process. For instance, determine who will create and build the testing program in the system.

3) Reporting

  • Ensure someone is reporting and benchmarking metrics in the system.

4) Analysis

  • It’s essential to review results during the test time to optimize the final version. If you can assign an analyst to the team, they can often validate the statistical significance beyond the basic metrics.

5) Documentation

  • Don’t forget to document the full process along the way, including the steps taken and the results achieved. This will help the team review what was successful and where to focus next.

6) Recommendations

  • What did you discover during your testing?
  • Communicate findings and recommendations to management.

If you are just getting started with A/B Testing or want to further develop your knowledge, request to have the A/B Testing Strategies for Success Facilitated Discussion with a marketing advisor today! Also see our full menu of Facilitated Discussions that are available at no cost to Oracle Marketing Cloud customers.

How You Turn Your Employees Into Brand Marketers

How You Turn Your Employees Into Brand Marketers written by Alex Boyer read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Think for a minute about your best customers. Not only do they represent returning business, but the best customers refer you to their family, friends and business partners. They rate your business highly on Google and interact with you in social networks. Essentially they are marketers for your business, helping promote you and maximizing yourContinue Reading

How I Generated 518,399 Visitors and 16,394 Leads from 77 Webinars

At KISSmetrics, we’ve held 77 webinars to date, with great results so far. You can safely assume that we would have stopped holding webinars long ago if the results had been less than desirable since we are a company that measures everything. So, what have the webinars yielded? The 77 webinars have brought us an additional 518,399 visitors,  [click to continue...]

Best Marketing Advice Ever from Symantec, Kraft, Marriott, Google, Motorola, Condé Nast

Last month, we published, Worst. Marketing. Advice. Ever. Top Brands Share All. There were some doozies on that list – some of the worst marketing advice our group of influencers ever received. Thank you to our readers that left even more examples of bad marketing advice in the comments – some funny ones too. I was inspired to put the [...]

SEO Marketing: Adding value without risking search rank

SEO is an important marketing tactic to help drive organic traffic to the website. SEO can be seen as so important that marketers might be concerned about conducting any testing to optimize a webpage that already ranks highly in Web searches. This MarketingExperiments Blog post highlights a test on a high-ranking SEO page that avoids risking that page's search rank. Read on to find out the details and results of this website optimization test.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Would You Like To Create Video Content for KISSmetrics?

If you love our blog and would like to join our team as a videographer (video editor), then we would love to have a chat with you. Here are some details about the position: It’s a full-time, salaried position. Working remotely is an option. We’re looking for someone that is technically inclined. Knowing your way […]

Weekend Favs February Fourteen

Weekend Favs February Fourteen written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr or oneContinue Reading

Friday, February 13, 2015

Three Easy Hacks That Bring the Power of Google Analytics and Salesforce to Your Online Marketing

What happens when you take two of the top online platforms in the industry and allow them to play together nicely? On our right, we have Salesforce. Salesforce proudly positions itself as the number one customer relationship management platform and does a stellar job of following the path a lead takes in becoming a customer […]

How to Get the Most Value out of Your LinkedIn Posts

Whether you are trying to appeal to other businesses or position yourself for finding a high-paying job, LinkedIn is a social network you can’t ignore. Posting on this social network, which has over 250 million active members, is a great way to grow your brand and generate income. If you are still not convinced that  [click to continue...]

How to Maintain a Consistent Brand Identity Across Social Networks

How to Maintain a Consistent Brand Identity Across Social Networks written by Guest Post read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

It’s guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing – enjoy this post from Xavier Davis When social media marketing first began it was rather easy to maintain a consistent brand identity. This was due in large part to the fact that there were only a few social networks. Oh, how things have changed! TodayContinue Reading

Online Marketing News: Twitter Still Bigger, Pinterest’s Intent, Low Trust In Social News

28% of Time Spent Online is Social Networking - How much time do you spend each day on social networks?According to new data, the average user logs 1.72 hours per day on social platforms, which represents about 28% of all online activity. globalwebindex Facebook: 24.63% of Social Referrals in December (Pinterest: 5.06%, Twitter: 0.82%) - Facebook’s share [...]

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Remember When I Said I Quit Facebook?

A few years back, I quit Facebook. I tried deleting my old profile, but in Facebook, that’s pretty much an act of congress, so I just abandoned it. A year ago-ish, I snuck back on, but decided not to do much in the way of “business” via my Facebook. Along the way, I discovered what […]

The post Remember When I Said I Quit Facebook? appeared first on

How To Achieve Customer Service Success Using Social Media

From James: Today’s post the second in a series of four articles on social media marketing – all part of a contest within TopRank Marketing for a chance to attend Social Media Marketing World. Watch for the next post in the series. According to a 2012 Nielsen Social Media Report, nearly half of all U.S. consumers use social media to [...]

How Adding Steps to Your PPC Landing Pages Can Improve Conversion Rates

If you’re anything like me, you know how important it is to improve your PPC conversion rates. You may already be a rock star in AdWords and a wizard on landing pages, but what happens when you run out of new testing ideas? Bids – Check! Negative keywords – Check! Landing page headline – Check! […]

Treat Your Customers Like the RASCLS They Are

Treat Your Customers Like the RASCLS They Are written by Guest Post read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

 It’s guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing, and today’s guest post is from Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network Member Scott Stern. Enjoy! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re probably familiar with John’s Marketing Hourglass. You’re probably not familiar, however, with the CIA’s Agent Recruitment Cycle (ARC). “Wait,” you’re probably thinkingContinue Reading

How To Achieve Customer Service Success using Social Media

From James: Today’s post is part of a TopRank Marketing employee series in which staff members volunteered to write a blog post in exchange for a chance to win the opportunity to live-blog from Social Media Marketing World in San Diego next month. A winner will be selected based on criteria including post quality, relevance and [...]

Value Proposition: NFL’s Jaguars increase revenue with customer-centric marketing

Tweet The Jacksonville Jaguars, located in the home city of MECLABS Institute, have not had a winning season in nearly a decade. By some measures, the team has actually gotten worse in recent years. Yet, despite a miserable 1-7 home record for the 2013 NFL season, the Jaguars actually enjoyed a significant lift in local [...]

4 Expert Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Doesn’t Suck

Landing page design isn't just about good looks. If you want a long-term relationship with prospects, you need a lil’ brains behind all that brawn – in the form of super persuasive and smart landing page copy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tips To Build Engagements: Relationship Advice for Marketers

The comparison between dating and marketing offers a timeless likeness – no matter what kind of shape your relationship is in, you always can benefit from nurturing the connection (and so can your partner or customer!)

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so cue in the comparative content! This year we put together a SlideShare chock full of common questions marketers may have about optimizing relationship building across various points of engagement, including:

• Content – The core communication mechanism and center of marketing messaging.

• Email - The trusty channel for offering information to those who’ve opted in.

• Mobile - The native, real-time device to help you offer real time delight.

• Social - The channel for chatter, tagging, and teasing content.

We called on our resident relationship-building expert, Modern Mark, to answer key marketing questions in “Dear Abby”-style letter form.

Check out “Courting Your Customers: Relationship Advice for Marketers” here:

Perhaps The Beatles said it best in citing, “All You Need is Love,” and that it’s always helpful to have “A Little Help From My Friends,” so we also want to share our best tips for marketers to show your leads and contacts a little love with our Nurturing Guide.

Here are some additional tips to help you keep your relationships budding and mutually beneficial:

1. Personalize whenever you can.
2. Automate anniversary date reminders to show your appreciation for their business
3. Offer non-gated excerpt content to entice readers.
4. Tag your customers on social media to celebrate their successes.
5. Provide preferred seating for customers at in-person events.
6. Offer awards programs to mark your customers’ milestone moments.
7. Email your customers “Happy Birthday” wishes for a personal touch.
8. Keep record of purchase history to offer helpful upsell opportunities with supplementary products or services.
9. Set up an online community for customers’ knowledge sharing and exchange
10. Take every opportunity to garner feedback and refine communications.

What are your tips for the best ways to court and keep customers?

Why I Won’t Stop Blogging

I started blogging in 1998, back when they called it journaling. My first site wasn’t really blogging software. It didn’t exist yet. A bunch of my sites have been lost to software companies folding. Then eventually, I landed on, ported some of those posts to WordPress, made a lot of mistakes, and finally settled […]

The post Why I Won’t Stop Blogging appeared first on

No One Is Going to Read Your Corporate Blog (Unless You Read This)

So you’re interested in starting a corporate blog. Now what? You already know how it generates sales, but the real questions is…where do you start? And how do you ensure that people are actually going to read your blog (because company blogs are inherently boring, right?) Don’t worry, I’m going to answer all of those questions and more. As  [click to continue...]

How to Court Your Customers: Relationship Advice for Marketers

The comparison between dating and marketing offers a timeless likeness – no matter what kind of shape your relationship is in, you always can benefit from nurturing the connection (and so can your partner or customer!)

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so cue in the comparative content! This year we put together a SlideShare chock full of common questions marketers may have about optimizing relationship building across various points of engagement, including:

• Content – The core communication mechanism and center of marketing messaging.

• Email - The trusty channel for offering information to those who’ve opted in.

• Mobile - The native, real-time device to help you offer real time delight.

• Social - The channel for chatter, tagging, and teasing content.

We called on our resident relationship-building expert, Modern Mark, to answer key marketing questions in “Dear Abby”-style letter form.

Check out “Courting Your Customers: Relationship Advice for Marketers” here:

Perhaps The Beatles said it best in citing, “All You Need is Love,” and that it’s always helpful to have “A Little Help From My Friends,” so we also want to share our best tips for marketers to show your leads and contacts a little love with our Nurturing Guide.

Here are some additional tips to help you keep your relationships budding and mutually beneficial:

1. Personalize whenever you can.
2. Automate anniversary date reminders to show your appreciation for their business
3. Offer non-gated excerpt content to entice readers.
4. Tag your customers on social media to celebrate their successes.
5. Provide preferred seating for customers at in-person events.
6. Offer awards programs to mark your customers’ milestone moments.
7. Email your customers “Happy Birthday” wishes for a personal touch.
8. Keep record of purchase history to offer helpful upsell opportunities with supplementary products or services.
9. Set up an online community for customers’ knowledge sharing and exchange
10. Take every opportunity to garner feedback and refine communications.

What are your tips for the best ways to court and keep customers?

Marketers Who Use Science and Data Win

Marketers Who Use Science and Data Win written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Podcast with Neil Patel I’ll get straight to it today – my guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Neil Patel, founder of online tools and services such as Crazy Egg, KISSMetrics, and HelloBar. Like so many things that are truly useful, Patel created his tools, and eventually hisContinue Reading

Marketing Tips For Utilizing the Private Social Network MeWe

From James: Today’s post is part of a TopRank Marketing employee series in which staff members volunteered to write a blog post in exchange for a chance to win the opportunity to live-blog from Social Media Marketing World in San Diego next month. A winner will be selected based on criteria including post quality, relevance and [...]

7 Must-Have Salesforce Apps and Plugins to Grow Your Sales and Revenue

If you’re looking for ways to make sure your sales hit the ground running this year, you need more than just a great marketing team. You need maximum productivity, impressive reports and smart analytical analysis that doesn’t just drop a pile of data in your lap – but rather gives you the insights to take […]

[PODCAST] Can Exit Overlays Increase Conversions Without Pissing People Off?

There’s a reason that exit overlays are so controversial: they convert, but not without pissing certain people off. In this podcast episode, we discuss how you can use them to collect conversions – without affecting user experience.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Dollar Shave Club Could Shave Costs & Grow Its Business With KISSmetrics

Dollar Shave Club is one of the frontrunners in the new subscription economy that seems to be getting more traction by the month. These businesses offer consumable products delivered to customers’ doors on a recurring subscription. Dollar Shave Club hit it big with their viral video that’s been viewed over 18 million times. After it […]

5 Trends Driving The Marketing Cloud Revolution

Editor’s Note: Today’s post comes courtesy of John Bara, the President and CMO of Mintigo, an enterprise predictive marketing platform and proud Oracle Marketing AppCloud partner. John specializes in fast growth marketing with 25 years as an executive in Silicon Valley, including CMO and SVP of Marketing roles at companies such as XenSource, Interwoven, and Genesys Telecommunications Labs. You can follow John on Twitter at @John_Bara.

Big data and marketing clouds require modern marketers to further embrace analytics. For some marketers, this means getting out of their comfort zone.

The stereotype of marketers is that they are in marketing because they are not good in math or science. That myth is not exactly true. Most marketers choose the career because they enjoy the energy of a dynamic environment, and have skills in creative, planning and project management. Increasingly, people come into the new world of modern marketing because they enjoy math, science and analysis.

The explosion of big data across all market segments has led to the need for a more analytical approach to marketing. Understanding the big trends behind the cloud and big data phenomenon and some of the resulting major trends in marketing will empower the CMO of the future.

I believe there are five trends that are driving the marketing cloud revolution:

1. Computing is now a utility. As a cheap utility much like electricity, cloud computing is enabling a whole new breed of uses, applications and appliances. This is perfect for marketing because it enables rapid iteration, experimentation and, ultimately, more success. It also enables pay-as-you-go marketing services for software-as-a-service (SaaS) basis that is friendly to a marketer’s budget.

2. Mobile is everywhere. Mobile computing is cheap, pervasive and increasingly high performance. Now, even menial tasks such as ordering food (Door Dash, Order Ahead) or getting a ride (Uber, Lyft) are being mobilized and showing remarkable growth rates. Expect more of these revolutionary apps just as we saw when the Internet first became ubiquitous. Marketers are building “mobile first” or “mobile only” websites to optimize for the new demand.

3. Big Data is expanding yet accessible. With much of humanity now having cheap, connected mobility combined with new cool apps and a tech savvy millennial demographic, big data is exploding. Big data means a big opportunity for companies who are gathering new outputs from new users and new uses. Tools are needed to analyze the flood of data pouring into the enterprise. Savvy CMOs recognize this and are investing in data analysis and marketing cloud technologies. Some are even hiring data scientists within the marketing group.

4. Enterprise marketing technologies are moving to the cloud. According to Scott Brinker from, there are now close to 2000 marketing technology vendors. With the big data explosion and Amazon Web Services enabling cheap, easy-to-spin-up machines as a utility, smart technology vendors have shifted their business models to the cloud and built new enterprise application clouds.

5. Predictive marketing helps tie it all together. Marketers need to embrace the math and science behind what powers the new marketing clouds, and not ignore lead generation or treat marketing automation as a “black box”. By leveraging the combination of both public and private data, marketers can create models to automatically identify trends such as lead scoring, fit, and buyer intent before the sale occurs. Intelligence and predictive analytics stand as keys to the new enterprise marketing clouds to empower the CMO of the future to embrace their newfound love of math and science.

To learn more about “Data, Predictive Analytics and Marketing Clouds: The Platform For The Modern Marketer”, join John Bara (Mintigo), Jay Famico (SiriusDecisions) and John Stetic (Oracle Marketing Cloud) in an upcoming live webinar on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. Register here to save your seat!

As a Business, We Are What We Aspire to Be

As a Business, We Are What We Aspire to Be written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

The title of this post applies to most things in life I feel and certainly in business. Unless we have goals and aspirations for our business, it’s hard to imagine arriving at a destination of our own control. Businesses have long espoused the virtues of mission statements, but it’s only when you live these statementsContinue Reading

As a Business We Are What We Aspire to Be

As a Business We Are What We Aspire to Be written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

The title of this post applies to most things in life I feel and certainly in business. Unless we have goals and aspirations for our business, it’s hard to imagine arriving at a destination of our own control. Businesses have long espoused the virtues of mission statements, but it’s only when you live these statementsContinue Reading