Friday, June 17, 2016

What The Boss Can Teach Us About Marketing Automation

Friday Five time - 5 curated recent articles on one specific topic. This time around it's Marketing Automation. 


When Bruce Springsteen sang, “I just want someone to talk to – and a little of that human touch” he wasn't talking about marketing automation, but he might as well have been. Yes, really. Think about your marketing automation systems. They need a combination of human savvy and technological automation to be effective. In fact, if you're not getting the ROI you hoped for, your marketing tech processes may need more of the human touch than they're getting.

Read the full story on Chief Marketer

Guarantee your marketing automation success with persona-based content

If you really tried to automate all of your marketing, the results would not be good. We have all seen examples of over-engineered, algorithm-based communications, and it always seems to have some element of whatever Hollywood “computers take over the world” scenario is most burned into your brain. Depending on your age, it could be the computer from “WarGames,” “Skynet,” or when the Cylons infiltrated the Colonial fleet. Marketing automation is not science fiction. It is really about adding technology to marketing in smart ways and automating processes that happen in the background, like collecting data or sending emails.

Read the full story on Marketing Land.

How to Prepare Your Organization for Marketing Automation

For anyone working in B2B marketing, it's hard to ignore the rapid ascendance of marketing automation over the past few years. If you take the time to dig below the undulating praise, however, you'll see that the joys of marketing automation are not as clear-cut as you might first believe.

Read the full story on MarketingProfs

Marketing Automation, What Can it Do for You?

Marketing Automation answers the question, "How do I best communicate with my database?". Less sophisticated organizations take the approach of "Batch and Blast", aka the "Shotgun" approach to marketing to their database. See if something sticks and continue messaging until there are Marketing Qualified Leads to send to Sales.

Read the full story on

Marketing Automation Defined in 60 Seconds

Ever find yourself in a conversation with your boss or a client and she mentions implementing marketing automation? Did you understand her request, or did the conversation grind to a halt because you're not familiar with the term? If you fall into the second category, you're not alone. Marketing automation is a hot topic these days, and its popularity has grown rapidly since 2013, but it can be tricky to define.

Read the full story on Copyblogger.

Thousands of Modern Marketers have implemented marketing automation to target, engage, convert, and analyze using marketing technology. They're delivering better leads, aligning marketing with sales, and generating a lot more revenue. Now you can too.

Download Marketing Automation Simplified to learn how. 

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